Over seventy million young people around the world between
the ages of 15-24 will be out of work by the end of 2013 leaving a “generation
at risk” due to lower earnings and fewer job prospects.
Global youth unemployment rate is now at 12.6%, an increase
of 3.5 million from 2007-2013, and according to the International Labour
Organization, a United Nations agency, the job prospects for this generation
may worsen. “The long term consequences of persistently high youth
unemployment includes the loss of valuable work experience and the erosion of
occupational skills,” said Jose Manuel Salazar-Xirinach, ILO Assistant Director-General.
The number of unemployed young people vary significantly for
each region of the world:
North America: 17.4%
Latin America/Caribbean: 14.3%
European Union: 21.4%
Central and Southeastern (non EU) and CIS: 17.6%
North Africa: 27.9%
Middle East: 26.5%
SE Asia/Pacific: 13.5%
These uncertain economic times have resulted in very certain
imbalances in unemployment rates. Forty
per cent of the world’s unemployed are young people under the age of 25. The unemployment rate for adults is a mere
Many youth around the world have simply given up the search
for work. Some have taken it to the next level by protesting aggressively and
calling out for their governments to take action. Others have complete distrust
in their country’s socio-economic and political system leading to riots.
In Spain, 56% of soon-to-be Spanish workers under 25 remain
jobless; 27% of them have college degrees under the Spain’s General Worker’s
Union. “Youth unemployment is dramatic. It’s jeopardizing the opportunity for
future prosperity and growth,” said Jose Maria Aznar, former prime minister of
In Italy, 40% of Italian workers under 30 are jobless while
in Egypt youth unemployment is at its highest in the Arab Spring World striking
at the summit of 54.1%. Palestine falls to second with 49.6% according to the
United Nations Development Programme.
In the western world, youth unemployment attempts to prevail
with consistency. In the US the rate for 16-19 year olds rose to 13% last
month, which is triple the overall rate of unemployment. In Canada, the unemployment rate for youth
declined by 1.2% to 12.9% as plenty of youth dropped out of the job market with
no hope or future job prospects in sight. In Toronto where FYOUTH is based, the
unemployment rate for young people is over 18%.
The rapidly increasing trends relating to youth unemployment is hit hard like a typhoon that creates a wave of destruction against the hopes of
a generation. FYOUTH asks that you step
up and let your voice be heard. Schools,
governments and employers need to work together with us to create a solution.
By: Micha Salazar 17, Toronto, ON
Published Monday, Nov. 18 2013, 12:05 PM EDT
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